Deep Into Future
A Trip Deep Into the Future
:- Doug.

If in our Wills we leave the gift of money we leave only dregs of life. Ought we leave what is real?
:- Doug.
We can meet our generations perhaps through common threads—faith, place, culture, country. We can explore these in journals, writing, reverie, and meetings with today’s elders.
:- Doug.
Converse with generations by leaving them a gift. What gift would last? What gift would speak?
:- Doug.
When up against nothing more to say, that is the signal to turn my curiosity around, to see where it came from, what is next, what it might mean to others and to me, to go deeper and feeling my way for more scents and sounds, aromas and feather-touches, emotions and sights, temperatures and colors, movements and balance, awarenesses and life-senses. There is more, ever.
:- Doug.