excised wound will pain a while
He was a disease upon our land and now that it has been excised the wound will still pain us a while and half a while.
:- Doug.
He was a disease upon our land and now that it has been excised the wound will still pain us a while and half a while.
:- Doug.
Hubris it is to think that thinking is not only able to perceive humanicity, but to correct it.
:- Doug.
Here is a daily way to receive the deeply human: Writing and immediately getting out our poems for those who need them, whether of the generations now alive, or earlier, or later.
:- Doug.
We wail on birth, making a music primal. Making a music, a poetry that plays with music, is a way to receive the deeply human.
:- Doug.
Write a poem for someone who needs it. Now.
:- Doug.