Fulcrum generation
Future generations could look back on ours as a fulcrum. . . .
:- Doug.

Who is your grandchild, grandchild of your spirit, the one who calls others to sing and dance, who calls others to stand with this one in the chilling storming gale?
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 2004
If we deliberately think one long thought a day, the world will advance dramatically over the next 300 years.
Will you commit to thinking one long thing a day?
Please pass it on.
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Who studies the development of humanicity and its spirit? Anthropologists, theologians, historians, cosmologists, poets, novelists, etymologists, humologists?
:- Doug.
A speculation of generations:
I speculate that in 11 generations there will be people my age to wonder about people 11 generations further on. I speculate we can converse with these wonderers. A bee converses with a clover blossom, a Labrador Retriever with you tossing a ball, a pile of puppies or grandchildren; so what is converse? I speculate there is a value to this conversation and this speculation. A value to humanicity. Together we might. Discover something to make us shiver.
:- Doug.
Audience and actors converse. Each direction—all directions—I surmise.
Fall into
reach through
full void
:- Doug.
I refuse to accept that humanicity is this way, always has been, will never differ. I reject that thinking. Humanicity always has the capacity to change, to grow, to bend its own arc.
:- Doug.
Why do we think we are the ones with a message to send, and not perhaps the messengers?
:- Doug.
I don’t know that we can or cannot converse over centuries. I choose. I try.
:- Doug.
Why do we think we alone, or even our species alone, need to carry our conversation?
:- Doug.
Call it A Speculation of Grandchildren, or, Bending the Arc of Humanicity.
:- Doug.
The last is also ambiguous, and I like that. Who is speculating, about what? Do the grandchildren speculate about us?
:- Doug.
That seems to be in the nature of an exploration, something even less defined and more ethereal, perhaps sidereal. Wander, wend, sift, circumambulate, track. Follow the evidence of elusive generations.
:- Doug.
You are encouraged
To read widely
And not only out of books
Then to write
And not only
:- Doug.
We get alarmed at election results, thinking that so many minds and hearts are forever opposed. In truth, in humans change is innate. What we believed and what we thought we believed will tomorrow be swaying.
:- Doug.
What if our message were transported in the manner of a virus, were in fact that of virus?
:- Doug.