Many years are given
To whom many years are given, from them much is expected.
:- Doug.
To whom many years are given, from them much is expected.
:- Doug.
With greater age comes greater responsibility. Responsibility to a larger group, perhaps to humanity itself, to creation itself.
:- Doug.
These younguns can crack the books and crack the codes, but you? There are bigger issues, long-term issues. These issues are your summit, to where you have been climbing. Did you really climb all this way to slide down the other side, get a free sled ride?
What is humanity for? What is family for? What good are old people?
If you had time for it, what big question would you take a crack at addressing? Not answering, because these questions are ones which need work for generations. But addressing. Telling the generations that they are worthy of our attention, our effort, our time.
What are questions that will pull you up out of your bed for the rest of your days? Well, I’m waiting. . . .
:- Doug.
A poem is a pruning shears…to turn on yourself. You start getting bushy, scruffy. Then again it might be a garden hose to water some parts of you which have become dried up.
:- Doug.
The surprise is a way to learning.
:- Doug.
Sometimes you just have to turn the poem upside down, shake, and see what comes out.
:- Doug.
I believe one of the highest goods is telling your story to the 300-year grandchild elders. My message might only be heard as a whisper if at all, but it is worth the effort.
:- Doug.
If you’ll leave me alone
I won’t you
:- Doug.
Travel on your own ticket.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1987
Count every ballot.
Please pass it on.
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Constantly ask, do my writing fingers proceed from my head, my eyes, or my body whole?
:- Doug.
Your Why and your Who does not have to stay the same all through. It will help decide what to do week to week, and help see when you are turning and know it is the right direction for you each step.
:- Doug.
What you hear
What you say
Now belongs to the group
:- Doug.
The “value” of “my” “time” is not limited to a certain Dollar amount per hour. I can be free from that small—or large—number. Beyond number. Be human.
:- Doug.
I am not an expert on story. I am a facilitator: I have been given a secret or two for pulling something out of people I did not put in.
:- Doug.
What story do you really want to tell? Why do you want to tell that one? Let’s meditate on it, pray on it. Who needs to hear it? Why?
:- Doug.
He didn’t listen to his mother. His face did freeze like that!
:- Doug.
Will you support counting every vote?
:- Doug.
Will you promise me you will vote?
:- Doug.
What is the pain behind that? The fear?
:- Doug.
Why do we resist our years when their accumulation is what we have been striving toward?
:- Doug.
How do we get beyond arguing and come together? Do we want to come together?
:- Doug.
Yesterday, our phones stopped working for about 4 hours. Our system is so fragile, dependent upon telephones, internet, electricity. How easy it would be to bring all to standstill. We would have to walk to talk, to get work done. Cars would not go long without electricity to pump the gas into them. We could be cut off one from the other, unable to converse, get food, work. Love is all.
:- Doug.