Carry the tune?
We are touched by the melody, but can we carry the tune to others?
:- Doug.
We are touched by the melody, but can we carry the tune to others?
:- Doug.
This of the vocabulary—
Incorporated lived oral enveloping intimate being threshold language undifferentiated inseparable belong muscular tactile embodied oppositional contradictory intention allusion tension conscious unconscious drives participation sustaining experiencing natural penetrate convince veracity age origins history human use wear death fear process supersede span life sensual reality time near gaze perspective pluralistic democratic contextual inclusionary horizontal caring mystique foster communal present moment texture weight density space shadow dark evokes resist bodily interpret manipulate
—What the language?
:- Doug.
Story telling is not simply re-telling. It is wrestling with your life’s meaning.
:- Doug.
Unless you are offering yourself in the course, offering as a sacrifice, a sacred slaying, the course is not worth their time, nor yours, nor divinity’s. Go beyond what you know. Push through the thorns and underbrush. Risk what you know.
:- Doug.
The hero’s and heroine’s journey is not a compact outline for a story. It is a roadmap for the story teller’s day.
:- Doug.