What you know is not enough
What you know is not enough. Your thoughts are not enough. You must think. You must go beyond.
:- Doug.
What you know is not enough. Your thoughts are not enough. You must think. You must go beyond.
:- Doug.
To repackage stories, say Bible stories, to explain or analyze, is to stay at arm’s length. You wear them as a coat to ward off wet and cold, to keep your own warmth and breath to yourself. Instead, if you risk your self, your soul-essence, then you come closer. Then you test the stories by making your own. Then to this species you are of value.
:- Doug.
I am for the moment saying too much and not going deeply enough, trying to speak to one audience member in generalities and so missing the opportunity to say anything to anybody.
:- Doug.
If you are thinking, life will from here advance.
:- Doug.