Give softness a try
I am sorry the world and those people raise fear in you. The response of this age is to become hard. We could instead give softness a try.
:- Doug.
I am sorry the world and those people raise fear in you. The response of this age is to become hard. We could instead give softness a try.
:- Doug.
Words for what we find, or finds us: insight inkling glimpse reflection guess glampse to inkle findling gesture gleam glance glint glimmer glisten tinkling aroma guessling guessing thunder whiff clue earmark hallmark birthmark hint swirl possibility finding findling revealing exploit uncovering uncovery discovery hole poked pokie birthing bringing forth catch invitation. What is interesting is to notice the seeing point of view of many of these. So what would be a clue or a hint in other senses? Cue key tip trace intimation track wind evidence scent sign taste tinge wink wrinkle gather pick up whisper hiss murmur sigh breath drip jot pinch smack speck tincture bit bite dash morsel nip spoonful tinge bouquet perfume savor spice tang trail brush crease fold push shove thrust press weigh gossamer.
:- Doug.
Here we experiment in story: to find our story, to develop it.
:- Doug.
Why is point of view important? It leads to seeing more, and seeing, rather perceiving, is fundamental to a story that sniffs at the hearer’s neck.
:- Doug.
There are big questions to ask, such as What does it mean to be human? What really is our message? How to get past truisms to something real? These we can use to open, spread, widen us.
:- Doug.