Whens in the streaming
Meaning flows
from each confluence
of the whens in the streaming
of the teller’s life
of the hearer’s life
:- Doug.

Meaning flows
from each confluence
of the whens in the streaming
of the teller’s life
of the hearer’s life
:- Doug.
Read your story looking for words used often and mannerisms of the writer.
:- Doug.
What is the meaning of your story? Where does that meaning reside, or from where arise?
:- Doug.
Each time you tell, your story spirals you around, showing you more, and subtle, and nuanced.
:- Doug.
The object of your story is not to tell things done but to expand teller and hearer.
:- Doug.
Write about your reader: a portrait of the person at the time of reading or hearing. Write from the reader to you.
:- Doug.
Write a dream you had or make up one. Now have each character and object speak to the dreamer. Now the dreamer becomes each in turn (as a chair, I am seeing this, feeling this, thinking this…).
:- Doug.
They have the pieces to live a completing life. It’s all any of us can have.
:- Doug.
Life kicks back. Life has its own ideas, reasonable in its terms. Not ours. Contribute your work. Results variable.
:- Doug.
The built world, the molded world (such as gardens) affects how we are in the world. Actually, every part of the world touches every other part: physical, spiritual, built, received, moving, gathering, loosening, singing, playing, conversing, freeing, feeding, doing, making, erupting, breaking, bursting.
:- Doug.
He started saying outrageous things for effect; by now he mostly seems to be taken in by his own creatures. Megalomania?
:- Doug.
Proposed: currently the thing that binds us as an American people is our fear of one another.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1985
Who says clarity is only in brainwork
earned and propagated?
In that bright morning light I came home
There are processes at work and beauty
Fog comes & goes we know not when nor how
Please pass it on.
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