Beyond thought
Move beyond thought
to think
:- Doug.

Poetry making is about your relationship to your meaning-finding, to humanity and these humans, to the largest you can conceive, in this writing day.
:- Doug.
Be reflexive—ask why you noticed this, wrote about that, used these characteristic words.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1969
I started off in life very young.
Please pass it on.
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Slow your thinking
In the twitch of an eye
thoughts carry you away
from thinking
Dead and stinking
memories thoughts are
moving too fast
to see what they did to you
Know: thinking is the work
you do not want to do
laborious, sweaty, and slow, slow
:- Doug.
Reflecting often goes like this for me: My mind is sound, and full of sound. It hops around, a hundred jumping fleas, each making me itch, each carrying a word, a task, an idea. I shush the words. A picture of a still lake surface at dawn helps. Fog on the meadow. I tell the images, no thanks. If all goes well, I can float in the clear for a bit. I am again a nine year old, lying on the cool grass, watching the clouds, not caring about anything but the clouds morphing. Maybe I glimpse something significant. So shush the words, shush the images, find the clear. Then I remember that I do this for bubble gum: I look for what sticks us one to the other.
:- Doug.
Poetry making might help you with something as surface as marketing or as deepening as your relationship to humanity and all mystery.
:- Doug.
What do poets make?
Intention? Purpose?
Certainly not merely rhyme
Gatherings of mystery?
:- Doug.