Communion across three centuries
Once we have communion across three centuries, the center of our meaning has shifted and humanicity has changed.
:- Doug.

Once we have communion across three centuries, the center of our meaning has shifted and humanicity has changed.
:- Doug.
Poetry seems the way of mysticism, of opening mysticism to people, near a parabolic manner. Opening the intellect, yes, and the metaphors, yes, and still there is more. Mysticism is beyond method and ways. Mysticism is about a higher humanicity and about wrestling our way there.
No straight road up the mountain this. Nor is there any. There will be setbacks. There will be effort, blood, body odor, tears, and mud. There is no there to reach. Instead it is right doing, and wrestling with things that are also right doings.
:- Doug.
In imitative language is meaning in the words their rhythm and arrhythmia in their flow and halting.
:- Doug.
The rhythm of the words, the meaning in their onomatopoeia, our feeling as they rake our tongues, as they reverberate within our skulls, their echoing through millennia of ancestors, the feelings they evoke, the feelings that evoked these words: study, study well, study hear, study with ear and beyond mind, study with body, study with miles and years.
:- Doug.
Ultimately we teach more than facts, more than metaphors, more than ways.
Let us aim for burly questions to wrestle into the long nights.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1965
Have been thinking that I learned some things this last few days, and most of it has been non consciously received, nor can it be expressed. It will ooze out during the days and weeks ahead. Expect some difference in depths and in ways to greet the world.
Please pass it on.
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