Relationship is worth
Relationship is worth.
:- Doug.
Relationship is worth.
:- Doug.
What is better quality of life for Dad?
:- Doug.
We come to you.
:- Doug.
You imagine something
It isn’t really happening
Except it is—in your mind
:- Doug.
Do you value total cost or partial? Do you value being spouse or child over care provider? Do you value worrying a shorter time or longer?
:- Doug.
His attraction is saying it’s OK to be ignorant.
:- Doug.
Do healthy. Keep loving. Reflect.
:- Doug.
We rely
each upon
the we
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1959
To St. John’s Episcopal Church
To Bishop Budde
To the peaceful protesters
violently assaulted
with tear gas
and stun grenades
To the American people
whose rights to live in peace
safe from our own government
have been breached
To George Washington
To Thomas Jefferson
To Abraham Lincoln
To Martin Luther King, Jr.
To humanity:
For this President
I deeply apologize
Please pass it on.
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You as client define the price you will pay.
:- Doug.