That’s what poets do
That’s what poets do
take us to deeps
take us to longer
:- Doug.

A village of voices
walks with me
my path was only
straight before
my first steps
bruises and defeats
become callouses and badges
peel away layers
of humanity
plant them in
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1940
The sun came up this morning
The water yet crashes over the falls
Birds to one another call today
Yes they know of our fright-filled disease
In some deeper longer knowing
There is a stream beneath that holds as one
The crashing waters and the still
Like a dream our old life vanishes
Shouldn’t this crisis be slowing to a calm?
There is a stream
We’re of this stream
Please pass it on.
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Works of dying:
Not being
Remembering, putting together, meaning, making sense
Lessons and messages
What is human
Becoming ancestor
Testifying, truth telling
Stepping down
Being gathered
Whole, completions
:- Doug.
Some say we will soon eradicate death. If we abdicate death what will become of us, our meaning, our humanity, our compassion?
:- Doug.
Is there anyone who can say any ten years of your life went exactly as you expected?
:- Doug.
An elder is one who is continuously pondering the tasks of eldering; and ….
:- Doug.
We can be in the dying, with the person, with our own dying. It is living up to our dying and our loved one, attuned to the larger in life. If we die mostly as we have lived, if we want a large-view dying full of meaning, we need to seek the meaning in our days.
:- Doug.
This lady needs our help. Together. And help is not always in the shape of money.
:- Doug.
I am going to die. I am not conscious of dying at this moment. What can it mean to these days to remember my death, my dying? I want to converse at that time. I want to not avoid the truth. I want to grow closer to my spouse, my children, and my grandchildren. I want to easily, smoothly, kindly turn away from them when I must and proceed.
:- Doug.