Farthest back in your family tree?
Who is the person farthest back in your family tree whom you know or know about? What was memorable about them? Whom do you want to be to your grandchildren’s grandchildren?
:- Doug.

Who is the person farthest back in your family tree whom you know or know about? What was memorable about them? Whom do you want to be to your grandchildren’s grandchildren?
:- Doug.
Why do we have so few elders among so many old people? What would you have to unlearn to be an elder for your grandchildren’s children?
:- Doug.
What do you want for your grandchildren’s grandchildren? What can you do today to help them get it?
:- Doug.
A story remembering project. What can we do to engage the grandchildren? Could you grab a grandchild or two and tell a story? What’s your secret for telling stories to your grandchildren, for getting their attention? If it is difficult, let’s come up with some ideas of how we might get their engagement? What did your grandmother do that got you listening?
Maybe when you are obliged to stay home, you could get on a video conference with some home school kids and do this.
:- Doug.