Hear across time?
How do we connect across a divide? We seek commonalities. We hear. How do we hear across time? Perhaps we tell stories and write letters as if.
:- Doug.
How do we connect across a divide? We seek commonalities. We hear. How do we hear across time? Perhaps we tell stories and write letters as if.
:- Doug.
That perspective seems new to me; tell me more.
:- Doug.
We are as Moses: heading off, wandering, seeing but setting foot in the promised land only through our grandchildren.
:- Doug.
Gather our common caring
for our never-complete, always whole
:- Doug.
I am reading Peggy Holman in her Engaging Emergence: beyond what she is writing. She writes about organizations and communities getting things done now; I read about communities of generations caring for the qualities of humanity: humanicity.
:- Doug.
We don’t know, nor can we, what effect our stories will have. We only know the intentions with which we offer them. So our stories and intentions must be open to our hearers. Should we have any.
:- Doug.
O—our generation
H—the 11th generation
→ unexpectedly wet!
:- Doug.
How can the generations be a whole system—one entity, entire? We cannot know but we can hang together to see.
:- Doug.
Conversing across generations
not only you and one specific grandchild
also a spot along the way revealing vistas
:- Doug.
Not improving humanicity
we are together caring
for our common humanicity
accepting the complex waters between us
fishing out new and possible togetherings
:- Doug.
With our outreach, generations are no longer alone. Grandparents and grandchildren enfold, inspire one another. We craft a new narrative.
:- Doug.
Tell your dilemmas
and failures
failures are dilemmas
half way through
Tell society’s dilemmas
choices equally good
and painful
as if they were your own
most peculiar
is most universal
no results only eternal mid
:- Doug.
Story: a productive pregnant vantage point for the process of nudging the arc of humanicity.
:- Doug.
Look to the old stories, Gilgamesh for instance, and see what they have to teach us.
:- Doug.
Count your story’s verbs and nouns
one set looks ahead
one is dying
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1934
Disease Divorce Debility Death
Fillet us, saw us open
Raggedly, display our gizzards
Here meet profundity
The curious craft of vulnerability
Please pass it on.
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Storytelling pushes us
outside of today
:- Doug.
Humanity’s children
are like gods to us
unknown and known
:- Doug.
Story has a longer touch
than do we
garden Gilgamesh Odysseus
:- Doug.
In a plaited world
all causes inter-weave
no story changes humanity
the fabric our species weaves
requires every thread
:- Doug.
If I say I won’t read my work subjects when I retire, what does that say about the quality of the work I am doing?
:- Doug.
I try to not have goals
to move beyond outcomes
—short sight—
to with
for the sake of with
:- Doug.
this we can do
beyond messages
beyond outcomes
:- Doug.