11 G granddaughter
Create a story for your 11th generation granddaughter.
:- Doug.

We have been developing our farsight as we have gone along, increasing it, sharpening it, honing it, getting better pictures.
:- Doug.
Retirement may be a failure of imagination. As may be not laying down that work.
:- Doug.
We may never control the other end of the cord, yet our tug might be felt a good way along.
:- Doug.
Touch the cord far
along as you can
keep it taut
so they’ll know
you are here
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1926
We had thought the machines might take over our world, our minds. Recent news of robots made of living cells (frogbots/xenobots) and living concrete made from bacteria, suggest something other: life might take over machines. Or some other permutation you won’t think of while pondering this.
Then ponder further: in 300 years our grandchildren will be living in such a world. How can what stories you tell this day, what you write or think deeply about, be of help to those grandchildren living in such a world?
Please pass it on.
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Just because it’s impossible is no reason to not attempt. Movement is movement, shift is shift.
:- Doug.
Could we some day track visits to Websites—attract them too—based on familial ties?
:- Doug.
How might we ask questions and tell stories that lead to a better humanity?
:- Doug.
How might our stories, our questions, create conversation with the generations?
:- Doug.
Questions and the stories that generate them are the dematerializing of the core of humanity. Just like our machines have steadily become smaller and operate more on intelligence than on brawn. In other words, these are the software and algorithms that make a larger more objectively provably better humanity possible. A humanity interwoven more fully, profoundly, and consciously.
:- Doug.
Can we ask more complex interwoven questions, questions which can have no answers?
:- Doug.
We have been scanning futures and holding them up as mirrors of who we are. We ask, who might we be?
:- Doug.