Future people
Why do people not concern themselves about future people?
:- Doug.

In strategic questioning, Fran Peavey is in a realm of conflict; in futures work, we are all in a realm of don’t know.
:- Doug.
If strategic questions were the way to loosely guide, what form of question? Will it be overt questions or subtle?
:- Doug.
What’s your project? To keep on living it seems you gotta have a project.
:- Doug.
Saw a video last night by E. O. Wilson about humanity’s “unusual genetic mutation, or “knockout gene,” that gave rise to eusociality, or the social condition that allows non-reproductive members of a species to support its reproductive members.” https://bigthink.com/videos/edward-o-wilson-on-eusociality It may be that our newly added generation is in fact reproductive in a new way, through creativity, story, and reaching forward.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1907
play with fire
dare to grow old
heal the world
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God loves diversity, creativity, novelty
Swirling about us all directions
dancing, sparkling, making new paths
:- Doug.
Do the 2-step: Take the thought further, especially when you think it’s complete.
:- Doug.
Perhaps what we fear most from artificial intelligence is it unintelligibility: its to us inscrutability. And its insusceptibility to our attempts to influence it. (Might we try with bad data input—GIGO?)
:- Doug.
Often the conquered people take over the conquerors by way of time and intermarriage. What might happen when the computers and humans intermarry?
:- Doug.
Whether or not we attain the level of artificial general intelligence, we want this level of question, this level of thinking. Maybe we can teach it to our machines, or take it with us into the merger.
:- Doug.
I have been intuiting where to go, and that has been to the more comprehensive, and into the territory of “second wind,” and “why again:” it is to truth underneath truth.
:- Doug.
What shall we do if there is artificial general intelligence and an intelligence explosion?
:- Doug.
If you ask strategic questions of your characters, your story will come alive, move, go deeper. Do we want to ask such questions of the eleventh generation?
:- Doug.
Communication of the second kind, as used by Fran Peavey, has echoes of Robert McKee’s subtext. It is what really motivates one but is seldom voiced by, or even consciously known to, that one.
:- Doug.
Do those from 1719 have nothing valuable to tell us? How would we find what they have to say?
:- Doug.
The futures are the later than now. The present is the echoes of that word “now.”
:- Doug.
Could we become intimate with the futures, and those who live in them?
:- Doug.