Beyond product
Life is process, beyond product.
:- Doug.

We have experienced so many breaks with the past—the Renaissance with the dark ages, the industrial revolution from cottage crafts, quantum physics from Newtonian, Adam and Eve cast out of Eden, Jesus with past theologies—so many that humanity appears as the staggering of an intoxicated one.
:- Doug.
To our children-in-cages president: Remember that so long as any of divinity’s children are in cages, we are all caged.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1902
What do I want elders to do? Take a bigger view of their role for the grandchildren. Take responsibility for the grandchildren. Tell stories, play games, give their spirits. See and accept their central roles in the future of the human species.
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What were your last 3 dreams taken together telling you? Or if you do not remember dreams well, your last three movies or stories?
:- Doug.
Assume the basics, such as courage, love, beauty. Tell a story of the foibles and fables of you family lineage.
:- Doug.
Our sociological and organic direction have been toward ever larger: cells to plants and animals to Adam and Eve to tribes to nations; trades people to corporations; workers to unions to associations; individuals to Internet. Our technology has gone the other way, focusing on smaller and smaller, as if electrons and quarks were building blocks. Maybe these pictures are not true. Smashed atoms or smash datums—do either give us richer life? What if we split up people electronically, biologically, socially? Is there a larger that includes the small, local, exceptional? Is that possibly Reality?
:- Doug.
Maybe the machines and learned emergent algorithms will empower us to get beyond words and cognitive framing. For instance, can dreaming expand us?
:- Doug.
Is it possible to make sense of the novel? Making sense is inherently fitting into the pre-existing framework. Novelty is outside any pre-existing framework.
:- Doug.
We are the first generation of the long view. We are Robin Hood’s band—we have the long bow. We are tightening the string.
Again, we are the first generation of the big mirror.
We have a special opportunity.
:- Doug.
What do we expect of others and ourselves in a family setting? Business? School? Spiritual? Entertainment? Neighborhood? Government? Internet? Democracy? These are clues to our values which are candidates for transmitting to the generations.
:- Doug.
Tell the story of a non famous person in your life who epitomizes a good aspect of humanity.
:- Doug.
Write a letter to your 300-year grandchild elders with a vignette saying who you are this particular day you are writing it.
:- Doug.
Profundity comes in through the ears. It first goes out. Through the hair. One lets down one’s hair. Loosens shoulders, lets them down. Pretense—of strength, beauty, whatever it is—is relieved. One just is. The deep down, the really real, revealed. Deeply accepted. Through the other’s ears. Through one’s eyes seeing the other’s ears drenched. And OK. Really OK.
:- Doug.
We crave love—some person to love and to love us. We develop deep relationships with dogs who seem to receive us unconditionally. That’s it—the central thing—to be received, taken in, in all our foibles and muddles—to be received. Nothing more expected of us. Everything OK as is.
:- Doug.
Tell us a story about that. Can someone here find a point of divergence in that?
:- Doug.