Flying companion
What we want as a storyteller is a flying companion.
:- Doug.

Profundity comes in through the ears. It first goes out. Through the hair. One lets down one’s hair. Loosens shoulders, lets them down. Pretense—of strength, beauty, whatever it is—is relieved. One just is. The deep down, the really real, revealed. Deeply accepted. Through the other’s ears. Through one’s eyes seeing the other’s ears drenched. And OK. Really OK.
:- Doug.
We crave love—some person to love and to love us. We develop deep relationships with dogs who seem to receive us unconditionally. That’s it—the central thing—to be received, taken in, in all our foibles and muddles—to be received. Nothing more expected of us. Everything OK as is.
:- Doug.
Tell us a story about that. Can someone here find a point of divergence in that?
:- Doug.