Ethically self aware
How do we become ethically self aware so we can figure out stories for the 300-year grandchild elders?
:- Doug.

How do we become ethically self aware so we can figure out stories for the 300-year grandchild elders?
:- Doug.
With artificial general intelligence we need to include the other human characteristics, or we risk brainiac: intelligence without thinking, without context. Emphasis only on intelligence can easily create lopsided beings running amok. A ball with a bulge.
:- Doug.
The aliens can come from earth as well as the stars, indeed they are already silently aborning among us: artificial general intelligence will be to us inscrutable.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1900
arms and legs and mouths
and loving in the garbage out
loving in the spats before the making up
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