Books stay
Books stay in our awareness longer than magazines, papers, and articles, in that order. Books can bring a longer perspective, an overview, and far-sight.
:- Doug.

Books stay in our awareness longer than magazines, papers, and articles, in that order. Books can bring a longer perspective, an overview, and far-sight.
:- Doug.
Maybe I’m not efficient in my case work. Do I want to be efficient as much as caring? Just how efficient is best?
:- Doug.
Maybe I am not discovering aspects of God. Maybe God is developing, such as becoming more distributed.
:- Doug.
We may not get far. That’s no reason to not set out. The question is, What directions are fruitful?
:- Doug.
Stages of response to new technologies: Gee whiz; Oh my; Take care. Taking care early is the role of far-sight.
:- Doug.