Peer into the human essence
It is up to elders to peer into the human essence with sufficient resolution to influence our growth.
:- Doug.

It is up to elders to peer into the human essence with sufficient resolution to influence our growth.
:- Doug.
Ultimately we will never get to ultimately. It is a horizon that keeps rolling in front of us because some of our reach exceeds some of our grasp. One leg is always behind the other.
:- Doug.
What would be a good term for a bunch of elders? How about kaleidoscope, like butterflies? A rainbow, swarm, coalition, watch, parliament? Glimmer, radiance, brilliance, panache, scintillation, shimmer, élan, dash, impetus, verve, enthusiasm, aurora, beacon, blaze, luminosity, sparkle, beam, glow, twinkle, scintillation?
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1895
Once we give sway to algorithms, allow them to make say medical decisions for us we become superfluous. Like the wild animals. Birds. Canada Geese. Monarch butterflies. Bees. Snakes. Frogs. Wheat. Corn. Conversation. Growth.
Algorithms do not need a why. They do not need a meaning. Perhaps our roles then are in Whys and Meanings.
So then the work of the elders will perhaps be to help us find what our roles should be, to find our Whys, Meanings, and Stories.
This is a bigger role than I thought. It is not merely making humanity better. It is choosing a role once our old story no longer fits.
We had thought we were the smartest. We had thought we were those who collaborated the best. Yet algorithms can connect and communicate and thereby collaborate. They can connect to us and read us and our very thoughts. Because we let them. So now we reach a species-level identity crisis.
The very point is that I do not know the answer. I do not even want one answer. We need to work together beyond working together. We need to think together. We need to create. We need to dig deeply to figure out who we are. Together. We need to converse.
What do we want to have happen? Where?
Please pass it on.
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If science—and probably the human world—progresses one funeral at a time, what happens when funerals become rarer, further apart? Will we stay daring longer? Ought we? Will we be householders longer, overpopulate? Will we think longer-term? Even be more spiritual?
:- Doug.