Audacious and wrenching
This is audacious: to change humanity. This is wrenching: to tell your utter naked whole truth.
:- Doug.

This is audacious: to change humanity. This is wrenching: to tell your utter naked whole truth.
:- Doug.
What should society be so that in its last years humankind will give its brightest light?
:- Doug.
Manual labor may be the first to go to the bots. Now is the time to move humankind to meaning work: the work of finding and making meaning in the weave of life.
:- Doug.
This is a course in philosophy
This is a course in action
This is a course in responsibility
This is a course in far sight
This is a course in audacity
Which is to say this eldering
Is a course in loving unseen generations
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1892
Do you believe in people change?
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One of the greatest gifts an elder can leave is to reach out to the other in utter truth.
:- Doug.