Softer metaphors please
Lift us up
with softer
not machines
nature’s ways
:- Doug.
Lift us up
with softer
not machines
nature’s ways
:- Doug.
The myth we never fulfill
Can never fulfill
The wholly effective life
:- Doug.
To legislate morality
The quintessence of immorality
:- Doug.
A problem with imagination and creativity and inventing is that mostly we think of it as relating to our own future and use. We get excited by a new car or a new house or a new gadget. In age we have the opportunity to grow beyond ourselves, to take what we have seen and cast that vision forward.
We will not realize it, but what matters is that someone has seen it.
:- Doug.
Some people are incapable, in their present state of mind, from seeing orders of magnitude beyond themselves: they can see only themselves and using others. The others are not people, but tools.
:- Doug.
The antidote to drying in age may be to have a project, and that project needs to exceed the self by several magnitudes.
:- Doug.
There is choice, and the people called exceptional might become more of the population if we place before ourselves the choice. In any event, it is these exceptional people, like Maslow’s self-actualizing people in their peak experiences, with whom I want to associate and especially collaborate. I choose a wider view.
The wider view is not necessarily optimistic, but it does tend more to that end of the scale. It is I hope more inclusive of the whole picture.
:- Doug.
Widened, not wizened.
:- Doug.
If you have become indifferent to the things that happen in the world, it may be that they are no longer things you can use. You have a larger project if you look: the whole of humanity: it can use the combination of things that happen and your perspective, widened.
:- Doug.
What essentials does the long view provide us, valuable scents we can waft to the generations for their quest to improve?
:- Doug.