Gather silence
Gather silence with the circle of elders.
:- Doug.
Gather silence with the circle of elders.
:- Doug.
Can you bring humanity into the work you’re doing?
:- Doug.
What is the unfinished part of you? Of humanity?
:- Doug.
Challenge the grandchildren.
:- Doug.
We the cultivators
of beloved humanity
:- Doug.
This is really a significant turning point to say humans have power to choose. So we set before us life and death.
This indeed is the ancient Biblical choice-challenge, to have set before us life to choose. And life is of divinity. Reverence for life, Schweitzer held out to us.
:- Doug.
Divinity seems of life, and life of love.
:- Doug.
Often I despair, thinking we can only repeat the efforts of the centuries before us, and humanity did not improve. Indeed it is an immense task. We may fail. Certainly we will if we do nothing. One thing is certain and contains anticipation: humans have power to choose.
:- Doug.
Invent fun.
:- Doug.
The first thing in storytelling is to collect a few.
:- Doug.