Experience → life
Experience → reflection → meaning → chasm → insight = questioning = life
:- Doug.

The generations, 300 years ago, 300 years ahead, and now, are writing the one story, somehow integrated into one. One story.
:- Doug.
Having saved only 1 person’s letters we yet get a sense of the whole conversation. So too with the 600 year conversation.
:- Doug.
Conversation most often is or embeds story—what happened, our pain, our celebration, our dream, the new plan will carry a brighter day. Conversation and story are not the same but they often can be seen walking hand in hand.
:- Doug.
We are the first fourth generation: an added cohort between householder and decrepit. We have health, freedom, and a long view. We are in the perfect place to cultivate a kinder, sharing, caring humanity.
Might there be a first fifth generation, even a first sixth? Are we the limit? Is this as good as humanity can get?
Come join the exploration, the conversation, the journaling, the meditation/contemplation, the stories, the silence, the imagination, and help us find better ways to engender beloved community.
:- Doug.
Conversing with the 300-year people is about communion. What we hold in common. We are the animals who can see what we have in common, can story about it.
:- Doug.
We know silence can be communion
Can we figure out that conversation
Is not in words?
:- Doug.