Permission to probe
As counselor I have permission to ask probing questions. As human I too.
:- Doug.

As counselor I have permission to ask probing questions. As human I too.
:- Doug.
We travel time on the page or screen, not even noticing our brief or longer jaunts. If we noticed….
:- Doug.
When we are writing reflectively, we could be reflecting those of other centuries. When we reflect upon these other lives our lives here today develop congruently with these. This is the meeting, the conversing. This is each in-forming the other. We are touching and being touched by a conversing universal.
:- Doug.
Could conversing with 300 year people be an art form? A life-sustaining skill?
:- Doug.
paying attention to yourself
is your task
telling your stories
your gift
and the life of life itself
would be kinder
:- Doug.
To hear backwards just get them talking
To be heard backwards just get talking
:- Doug.
It occurred to me that conversing is sharing heart and caring and this then can go back and forth across the centuries. Can we love these people 300 years before, 300 years ahead? Are we only better than they, and can ignore them? Can they stand in our face? What humanity do we share, and might we use our sharing to nurture humanity to be more sharing, caring, and kind?
:- Doug.
Turn to people who are already conversing across generations.
:- Doug.