Gather all notes
In this age
we gather all
the notes of life
question humility rage
call tenderness edge
:- Doug.

In this age
we gather all
the notes of life
question humility rage
call tenderness edge
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1832
To be receptivity
to discover
to learn
to see entireties
to seek wholeness and integration
to speak by chance some hidden truth
to feel the interactions of a larger system
to be creative readiness
to receive the epiphanic moment
is to open this age
to grace
Please pass it on.
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Hounded by hatred
our grandchildren are torn
from the intentions of their lives
will we an hour or two
sacrifice to remind them of their song?
:- Doug.
Do we desire a certain softness
to counter the edge of the age
or is softness part of us?
or is softness only the masculine turn
matched in movements femininely?
:- Doug.
To be able to speak differently
to actually speak differently
using the familiar words
and the nodding acquaintance words
maybe we have to think
differently or maybe the
other way around
:- Doug.
The key questions and opportunities in being a grandparent to the universe.
:- Doug.
In a participatory universe
fresh insights
open dialogue
art and integrality
readiness for the deepening
:- Doug.
This age
beyond ego
beyond brain
beyond opposites
beyond this age
allowing for real
:- Doug.
Age can be a non-time of encounter in which contradictions are suspended surpassed synthesized.
:- Doug.
Elders meet
—not raise, not mean—
ultimate questions
with clear voices
and weakness to stand the storm
:- Doug.