far away persons near us
Unknowing going leads
to strange roads and
far away persons near us
:- Doug.

Unknowing going leads
to strange roads and
far away persons near us
:- Doug.
What translations, what versions, of your soul or essence will you allow yourself to publish to your world?
:- Doug.
What is the basic intention of your life
That you know you heard from before you were born
The song you must you must sing for the generations
If you are to fulfill yourself
If you are to be of use to those in time to come?
:- Doug.
The emptiness in you
is room for an abundance of generosity
you offer others
:- Doug.
Explore whether there is a stage beyond adult. Do we continue to develop? If there is this stage what could we invent to do with it?
:- Doug.
I sometimes contribute by asking questions
Perhaps you too will ask questions
:- Doug.
Things piled the wrong way to
Bring to me poetry and discovery
:- Doug.
Above the change and loss
what we lose honors our life and makes it holy
it is in all of us
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1836
Will you gather your life whole?
Will you dance
Your joys, bewilderments,
Secrets, marvels, tears, and intimacies
Will you dance for us to almost know?
Please pass it on.
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From generation to generation: affection, boost, mystic converse.
:- Doug.
What can it mean to speak out for and maybe to the grandchildren, to be, for them?
:- Doug.
Discernible to the physical eye
neither the grandchildren
nor their future
:- Doug.