All of which I teach
I do not know all of which I teach
its edges only
need your help, friend, to explore deeper in
:- Doug.

I do not know all of which I teach
its edges only
need your help, friend, to explore deeper in
:- Doug.
The ancients said the three enduring things are Truth, Beauty, and Goodness. What are our forms of this? Perhaps truth is our ever ongoing growth, beauty is the ever-widening panoramas, and goodness is the ever-deepening intimacy and conversation with all.
:- Doug.
So I want to strongly encourage messages to be recorded and sent in many ways. Whomever hears carries on these traces.
:- Doug.
Can we communicate with the 300 year grandchildren-elders, back and forth? Who knows if we can, so let’s try! Write letters, record stories and messages. Send thoughts. Pretend it can be. Play with it! If our thought to them left traces they can read, wonderful! If not, we made our moments better. So what of it? If we receive their echoing whispers, we might do better. If it is “only” our imagination and we do better, what of that?
:- Doug.