Softness and flow
There is work to be done, prime being to get my soul out to play—softness and flow.
:- Doug.

There is work to be done, prime being to get my soul out to play—softness and flow.
:- Doug.
A good way to be an advocate for my client is to be an advocate for the Judge.
:- Doug.
Mr. Power, you appear to be against
people rather than for
:- Doug.
O elder, what was the great dream
that held you in beginning
how have you aged it?
:- Doug.
To change the meaning
changes the grandchildren
changes the generative
:- Doug.
Your anger is the meaning of your anger
Your calm, your calm
Your consciousness, your consciousness
:- Doug.
Corporations sell care. From them we seldom see caring: participation in the pain, sharing the feeling of suffering, hearing the heart. Care without caring denies humanity, takes away, cold heartedly.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1780
After your name is forgotten
a generation or two on
of what use were you?
Please pass it on.
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The sky and the clouds
slow and gracious
their movements
so those of our elder days
:- Doug.
In age Spirit
is beauty and truth
great richness
some of us
without teeth, hearing, sight, or strength
get to behold
and perhaps pass along
:- Doug.
In the bird feeders, the small seeds migrate to the bottom. The small birds still go to both levels to feed.
:- Doug.