All those words!
See that dictionary: humans are all those words! Undefinable!
:- Doug.

Goals get us in trouble: telling us we ought not to be here. Some day we will not be.
:- Doug.
The picture:
strange attractors
world’s cooperating
doesn’t look smooth
roiling, churning waters
we humans are
flow whirl splash
laugh and play
darken clash
then flow….
whole is all this
often at once
the trick is
get it all out
get on to the flow….
:- Doug.
The picture is one of turning, chaos around strange attractors, even somehow turning to fractals and shards-making-holograms. The world is cooperating but in ways that don’t look like smooth waters. Roiling, churning waters are we humans. We flow, we whirl, we splash, we laugh and play, we darken, we clash. Then we flow…. The whole is all of this, and often at once. The trick is to get it all out and get on to the flow….
:- Doug.
The word turbulent is gathering me today. Disorderly, tumultuous, unruly, commotion, restless, disturbed, boisterous, stormy, turmoil, crowd, muddy, confuse, bewilder, turn, storm, onrush, whirl, onset, rage, violent, commotion, bustle, uproar, swell, rotate, revolve, polish, round off, turn on a lathe. I like pretty much all of these.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1783
Converse that the meaning of you may enlarge.
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Purity is puke. There is no pure “race.” We are all admixtures. Every day mixing in more. And so much the better for it.
:- Doug.
The young need a sense of identity tying them to something larger than themselves. This the elder with her longer view can help them elicit.
:- Doug.
This is too important to share without a great deal of fun. I owe to the grandchildren fun and these new thoughts discontinuous in some small way with the past. A 300-year view is central to it, as is conversation, intimacy, love, movement. We need to lift our sights. We need to need one another.
:- Doug.
In the year 1718 was I still alive? Who was my family and what good did they do me? Blank my mind goes.
:- Doug.
You could have a dream
a projection, a purpose
a life force, a way, a wind
next to these a goal
is a little shriveled thing
:- Doug.
Wonder, Old One, Young One,
what is the living thing at
the center?
The center of yourself…
and all life…and all?
:- Doug.
There is eldering fun in wondering
—what is the green for?
—why the tree stops at leaf
and does not go on and on?
—what does it feel like to be light?
:- Doug.