All, music
Let us propose—
Movement does not require time
Rather time requires movement
It’s not turtles all the way down
It’s all the way down
Enfolding all
Unfolding from all, music
:- Doug.

Let us propose—
Movement does not require time
Rather time requires movement
It’s not turtles all the way down
It’s all the way down
Enfolding all
Unfolding from all, music
:- Doug.
Our job, that of those of us who help elders, is that we help families through a crisis.
:- Doug.
Visit a town and notice all the pregnant young women. I used to see this as a sign of prosperity. That’s because I confused financial prosperity with the something deeper that was going on. The desire to bring forth new life is in fact a sign that people in this place see their world as a good place, promising.
:- Doug.
What is the meaning of our society, of life in this country? Is it money or wealth? Is it goodness? Is it rectitude? Is it something we all share? If the latter, what might that be?
:- Doug.