What are we developing?
While it is true we as elders are developing, the question is what are we developing? How is it for the grandchildren if we are not developing something beyond ourselves? So again: What are we developing? Whom?
:- Doug.

While it is true we as elders are developing, the question is what are we developing? How is it for the grandchildren if we are not developing something beyond ourselves? So again: What are we developing? Whom?
:- Doug.
Let’s get started with meeting with people, gathering a group of elders for the grandchildren. Now.
:- Doug.
Anecdotal evidence may actually be qualitative. We may have simply lacked the imagination we needed to measure it. If measuring is a high enough level of dignity.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1750
If it is complexity we face, it is with complexity we must meet. We cannot afford to pull apart, for that means death of our species—of our grandchildren.
Some see America as their enemy and so they think if we war with ourselves it is better for them. They see a small part of the world. If we do manage to find unity in our diversity and freedom in our complexity, all humanity will succeed to this inheritance. This will. Take work. This is. A noble calling. For the grandchildren.
Please pass it on.
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My premise: There is a process above these three (or more) facets, these four (or more) ways. We can only get there together.
:- Doug.
Let’s call people together to the middle of the country—and the cosmos!—South Bend, Indiana, for the grandchildren.
:- Doug.
Something going on → movement → change => transformation ≈> metamorphosis
:- Doug.