Clown invitingly
With bodies broken and beaten
With parts flopping awkwardly
For the grandchildren we clown invitingly
:- Doug.
With bodies broken and beaten
With parts flopping awkwardly
For the grandchildren we clown invitingly
:- Doug.
Simply complex
we are
:- Doug.
We are in the best place to invite a partnership of the generations.
:- Doug.
Terra not terror.
:- Doug.
Invest the first fruits of your day for the grandchildren.
:- Doug.
Gentle fun travels farther than giving advice.
:- Doug.
Fun opens us more than war.
:- Doug.
Old science has told us the universe is made of pieces and parts, atoms and molecules and electrons and protons and neutrons and…missing the word most used in this sentence.
:- Doug.
We have been endowed with the complexities of life.
:- Doug.