colors, aromas, flavors
I don’t tell you what your long view should be about. I share mine, knowing that I am missing 99.9% of the colors, aromas, flavors, touches, notes, movements, spirits.
:- Doug.
I don’t tell you what your long view should be about. I share mine, knowing that I am missing 99.9% of the colors, aromas, flavors, touches, notes, movements, spirits.
:- Doug.
Do you put your long view forefront?
:- Doug.
I come from a long skipping line of elders.
:- Doug.
You can begin to see how it all fits together. Given this viewpoint, what’s your responsibility to the grandchildren?
:- Doug.
Structure (Development)
Function, process, habit (Panorama)
Purpose, reason (Spirit, Meeting)
:- Doug.