Imagination of elders
The prophetic imagination of elders
:- Doug.

Despair and grief are not the same: we know there is, but cannot see, and do not want, a way through grief to life; we want a way out of despair but expect none. Both lead to giving up; only from grief does giving up provide a healing way through. Despair is a loss of all hope. Grief is a heaviness, a burden we think we never could carry, but somehow do.
:- Doug.
In some things, elders need to be unreasonable: announcing a better world for the grandchildren; playfulness; moaning inhumaneness of our ways. In some they can be reasonable: preserving the old recipes; asking people to think; welcoming all. Even so….
:- Doug.
Elders imagine a future discontinuous with the present, a leap to over there without going through any between.
:- Doug.
The groan of our time includes at least the subjugation of our humanity to consumerism, to Dollars and numbers.
:- Doug.
Protests are not to convince the others but to convince our people.
:- Doug.
Elder you are called to use the voice of prophecy, a voice you yourself have seldom heard, but which your core knows.
:- Doug.
Claims of middling society, powers, and authority cannot fulfill their promises.
:- Doug.
Elders are here to evoke perception alternative to middling society—an alternative not of degree but of quality.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1738
What is the poetry of a cloudy day?
What lives in clouds
Flies in them
With them
With blue above and green below?
Do clouds encourage us to look
To the holy in each other
In the mud and the weeds
For what is possible
Just here, just now?
Birds still fly
Squirrels still get into mischief
Water still runs downhill
Into still pools
And we still have work to do
Love to make
Friends to meet
Love to make
Please pass it on.
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