Criticize by shedding
The elder criticizes the control culture by shedding his or her control, finally being left with only his or her humanity.
:- Doug.

The elder criticizes the control culture by shedding his or her control, finally being left with only his or her humanity.
:- Doug.
Grief is and must also be for the death of the old order. Grief for money and numbers, control and order, the hegemony of culture over its members.
:- Doug.
It is not this world v. that
—there is only one world—
it is this interpretation of the one world v. that
control v. love
greed v. community
:- Doug.
Protest is not the way: neither is explanation and reason: the way to touch people is where they are already living. Anguish, despair, and grief are of the deepest. Playfulness too, as well as poetry, song, bodily movement, imagination. These two threads, being-generating filaments of DNA, can be touched to spark the humanity in the peoples.
:- Doug.
Forgive the Republicans
They know not what they do
Forgive the Democrats
They know not what they do
This is a prayer
Not to God
To you, each one
:- Doug.
Elder imagination presents us with
futures alternative to the
dominating culture
:- Doug.
A rich Republican came upon
a beaten, bleeding, barely moaning one in an alley
had compassion
carried this stranger to hospital
paid the bill
What do you see?
Could you have fellow-feeling for this Republican?
:- Doug.
The anguish of our political sundering:
We have lost the capacity to forgive one another
Why? What is deeper
Hidden to ourselves?
I forgive all of you
:- Doug.
Reclaim for them
their imagination
call them by name
drive them to
:- Doug.
This new time
all is falling apart
no more solid ground
each a scout
blazing trails
and human
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1739
Such beauty in the azure of the sky and the floating white of the clouds! In the flowers and scents and sounds and abounding! Our highest response is not so much thanks or praise, but recognition and joy and taking care to pass it along to our children and those who are so beleaguered they cannot lift their eyes to see!
Please pass it on.
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Concern yourself not with outcomes nor followers, only with right attention.
:- Doug.