Numbness, enculturation, weariness, ennui, resignation, satiety, consumerism, playlessness, tearlessness, imaginationlessness: symptoms of the disease of our age.
:- Doug.

Numbness, enculturation, weariness, ennui, resignation, satiety, consumerism, playlessness, tearlessness, imaginationlessness: symptoms of the disease of our age.
:- Doug.
An alternative consciousness, introduced as an infection, may be sufficient right being and doing of the elder.
:- Doug.
We may not get there, nor in my lifetime, nor in 300 years. So? Results are never a good test for life. Push and pull even if we cannot see the needle move. Sometimes we just have to do what’s right.
:- Doug.
We help families in crisis get help to pay for care in a nursing home or at home.
:- Doug.
Many people do not fear death so much as the pain and struggle of dying. This is the job of hospice—and all of us.
:- Doug.