Do your spirit?
What does it do to your spirit when you become elder-like?
:- Doug.

How long is the coastline of Mackinac Island? That depends on the movement of the waters. And how much you ignore.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1733
The crisis of crises
The cord running through
Global warming & violence
Whatever is new—is
Our thinging of people
Suppressing our souls
Not trusting each other
Just fearing our fearingGiving and touching
Life courses—hear—in us
Calling us to us
Demanding response
By giving and doing
By loving, by living
I am needed in meeting
The meeting of you
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© c 2017, Learning Works, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Easy reprint permissions: 574/291-0022, or by e-mail to mailto:Footprints AT Back issues available at
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Elders see flowing relationships
and wade in
need more time apart
and together
to ponder reflect grow
:- Doug.
By not calling hospice sooner families are giving up on their loved ones, giving up on their ability to live their last months fully.
:- Doug.
Even the sideways relating we are is a part of larger wholes. Uncountable numbers of unseen wholes, parts themselves of others. Draw a square of 4 by 4 smaller squares—it has more than 16. Divide each in half vertically and horizontally. More squares than the pieces there are, by virtue of being in relationships. It’s not just squares, circles, spirals, and threads, but waves, pyramids, prisms, colors, temperatures, dots, dashes, untouched touching.
:- Doug.
We now see not just a larger picture, but how it fits together: click. Paradox and nuance, complexity, subtlety, self similarity, simplicity, diversity and unity, all, all, all.
:- Doug.
The New Elder: Bigger pictures, a new quality of life, and especially a deepening spirituality that tends toward playful. Maybe life is making you into a new kind of elder. You certainly could not have designed this. But you can choose to work with it. Letting go, service to something larger, etherealizing one’s spirit: this is the being-work.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1732
Cleanliness is akin to Godliness
we are told
when the rains bathe the world
ever the streets are
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