Elders see more of the whole picture and themselves as part, so that we can begin to gather one another.
:- Doug.

Elders see more of the whole picture and themselves as part, so that we can begin to gather one another.
:- Doug.
Elders are unafraid of pain, dread, grief, anger, powerlessness, so that we can find our ways beyond.
:- Doug.
Elders have a panoramic view so they make great scouts of the terrain around and ahead.
:- Doug.
Elders can save the world by bringing an expanded point of view to awareness.
:- Doug.
I’m an accountant, ever taking more into account! How are you at your accounting?
:- Doug.
I believe elders stand closer than others to the keys to the growth and survival of humanity.
:- Doug.
We need space from the consuming topic, to allow it to percolate and the living organisms to work.
:- Doug.
Service, Generative, Spirit centered, Happy, Simplifying: the new elder
:- Doug.
Myriad are the options
for interventions, preparations,
and bringing peace
At times all we must do
is add just the smallest smidgen
:- Doug.