Livelihood: it is good to seek to be lively and for that we want others who are lively.
:- Doug.

Livelihood: it is good to seek to be lively and for that we want others who are lively.
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1719
To get beyond the old conversation, get beyond the old conversation: start a new one. A new conversation, more important, outflanking the troublesome one, overwhelming any interest in the old. Pull us in. Divert to the more significant conversation.
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We all want a world simpler than it is: less capable of being bollixed by good intentioned things we do day to day. The mature response is to attend, to learn, to accept, and then to act.
:- Doug.
We are not isolable selves to be fulfilled; we are interwoven to weave, to fulfill the relatings. Simply put, we are part of one another.
:- Doug.
Transaction, process, play, flow, transience, pattern, dynamic, conversation.
:- Doug.