Boomers are going places
Boomers are going places people have not gone before. Significant things are in store! Like eldering.
:- Doug.
Boomers are going places people have not gone before. Significant things are in store! Like eldering.
:- Doug.
Put another at the center of your life and you transcend yourself.
:- Doug.
Light thins to nothing
words dissipate to sound
now rest
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1708
The soul is not in the body but the body in the soul
The poetry is not in the words but the words in the poetry
The conversation is not in the persons but the persons in the conversation
The elder is not in the ages but the ages in the elder
To miss these is to forfeit real life
Please pass it on.
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This will be good
Say this every time
:- Doug.
Despair: some of our learning comes from our failures or things of which we are not proud. Perhaps one of these stories is the one someone needs to hear. Can we prepare ourselves to share?
:- Doug.
The Elders’ 300 year project: to make us human for the first time.
:- Doug.
The 300 year project has me seeing longer term. I will not be able to finish this project, but I can get a good start for the next generations of elders.
:- Doug.
Steam rising off the cool waters
of a morning
see prayers arising from your city
:- Doug.
It’s a rolling 300 years.
:- Doug.
I am asking the impossible of myself. To converse with elders 300 years on.
:- Doug.
It’s becoming clearer to me every day.
:- Doug.
This 300 year project is a way to live beyond my allotted years.
:- Doug.
I’m stirring something in the species memory of the grandchildren 12 generations on. Maybe we will be mainly bio-machines by then. No matter. I am not in a hurry. The human race is not in a hurry. I’m on a 300 year project.
:- Doug.
Something of 300 year value.
:- Doug.
We are hard wired for competition, and we are hard wired for connection.
:- Doug.
Perhaps our competitive, fast moving bent comes from our reptilian brain. It is our neo-brain that is seeing a larger connection, compassion as Karen Armstrong has it, the value of conversation as I see it. So we can have compassion for those who move quickly, who grab, grab, grab, as overwhelmed by the reptilian. We can work to get people to move toward their neocortex and the things that derive from it: community, compassion, and conversation.
:- Doug.
Trees full of oxygen greet me this morning.
:- Doug.
Consider the 300 year value.
:- Doug.
Let us build a temple at hearing’s coeur.
:- Doug.
Three hundred years from now what good will this bring?
:- Doug.
Let’s think 300 years ahead—what needs doing? We don’t think that far ahead because we move too fast. We see only seconds and miss centuries.
:- Doug.
I want to live 300 years. I hope that after that my insights will have been surpassed.
:- Doug.