Day by day a new layer. Peel. Expose. To others. To me.
:- Doug.

Peeling the onion. After the most tender might be nothing. Yet life is this very peeling.
:- Doug.
What is the human’s task? The task of the elder is to ask this very question.
:- Doug.
A tension. In conversation. How much of each one’s soul comes out to play. How much is recognized, realized, and expressed. How much is withheld in fear. Of hurting the other. Of saying the whole truth. Of being naked. We want desperately. To be seen. To be heard. Yet we want the freedom of being invisible. Tension. Of a higher quality.
:- Doug.
Conversation turns and spins
dialogue flows
both to love & converse more
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1707
seclude in nature
one on all there is
finding ineffable
Please pass it on.
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