Start anywhere
Life is equal parts planning, improvising, chance, destiny, peril, proceeding, withdrawal, engaging, reflecting, emerging, growing, flowering, going to seed, dying, and a thousand more. Start anywhere.
:- Doug.

Life is equal parts planning, improvising, chance, destiny, peril, proceeding, withdrawal, engaging, reflecting, emerging, growing, flowering, going to seed, dying, and a thousand more. Start anywhere.
:- Doug.
He is leading. Where has he led us? Into contention, scandal, and narcissism: in a word, disarray.
:- Doug.
Accept and applaud this one’s response especially if you feel it is off your course, or varies from what you are conveying. You make the effort. Don’t push away. Bring this one along. This one is moving, coursing. And who knows? You may be the one off course—or both courses be right!
:- Doug.
Just what is this thing we call intuition? Is it the flower of years of development, unnoticed seeing, opening now, just now? Said from another angle, spirit filtering through the meandering clouds?
:- Doug.
All your life
gathering unnoticed
now a new stage develops
you can if you choose
grandchildren, community, world
with nuance, story, question, and hearing
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1705
These poems are a practice
a dark forest river named essence
Please pass it on.
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We can give one another their voice and our ears. It is a small thing. It is the biggest thing. We will.
:- Doug.