To be in the stream immersed
This is the day to be in the stream immersed floating breathing helping morphing seeing hearing pointing out the beautiful clouds and flowers. Friend!
:- Doug.

This is the day to be in the stream immersed floating breathing helping morphing seeing hearing pointing out the beautiful clouds and flowers. Friend!
:- Doug.
We are the ones to decide the respect of Elders write a play talk it up tell a story befriend a grandchild
:- Doug.
I wish I had a hundred years. Remember we used the years we had the way we’d use a hundred more. Be kind. To yourself.
:- Doug.
He is getting his way—making us learn to hate, to anger, to boil. At him. Embrace one another instead.
:- Doug.
Pray as if this prayer meant you today, meant change to what you will do.
:- Doug.
Teeth and tongue
nose and ears
fingers and toes
dreams, converse and embrace
for these God needs, wants us
:- Doug.