Good every morning
Good every morning
when I am an elder
to write poetry
:- Doug.

In the one light
we welcome you
every you
help us welcome you
help us understand
your pain
your joy
a bit of
your soul
we will work to hear you
In the one light
:- Doug.
is all
there can be
for him
in soul deep pain
(shallow his soul)
another has gotten press
and so denied it to him
humiliate the other!
even if it does himself harm
pity him
pity him
the little man pained
:- Doug.
Stripped bare nothing left but bone
grieving together
best of human loving
I had an intuition of this
her grandfather, his father died
I drove in the funeral procession
but at 21 I could not yet know
:- Doug.
In the hour before sleep
In the hour awakening
Traverse a universe or two
:- Doug.
Than you expect
life is shorter
love has a larger claim
your love is profounder
more foundational
:- Doug.
These hours borrowed
from life: for getting a paycheck
from grandchildren: for whom we could have lived
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1703
The great turning of humanity
Earth chuckles at our hubris
One day
We may not matter so much
Consciousness may not matter
The teapot boils
Then the robin goes on singing
Please pass it on.
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Only the silence of death ever knows
whom we were and what we were worth
so we in this preceding dark ought for life flare out
:- Doug.
Y’all come. We promise to work to welcome you. We ask you to work to welcome us, too.
:- Doug.
Elders might be keepers of the
guardians too
:- Doug.
Would God care
about a few billion humans
unless God were of us, we of God?
What does the cell intuit
of the being?
:- Doug.
Is it important how our stories come to a close? Do we want them to whimper, be encased in pain, gentle our loved ones?
:- Doug.