Easily brittle
Goals are stopping places; direction is lasting. Do what by when gets easily brittle; direction is lithe.
:- Doug.
Goals are stopping places; direction is lasting. Do what by when gets easily brittle; direction is lithe.
:- Doug.
We have a message
even if we do not seem to have one
Our message is freedom
and connection, conversation
and a freshening larger
:- Doug.
In a hospital you’re being done to, no questions please; in hospice you are doing, all questions welcome.
:- Doug.
What’s on your heart, mind, body? When you think about your end of life, do you feel it in some part of your body—your stomach, upper arms, feet?
:- Doug.
Ask yourself to plan your end of life conversation: What will you do? Is there someone you need to speak with? What bit of life is then most important? Where will you meet? When?
:- Doug.
Footprints in the Windsm # 1686
Glowing the ember turns from red
Please pass it on.
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Religion is about writing it down. Religion is about capturing. Spirit is beyond words. Spirit wants free.
:- Doug.