you are on the wrong path
If sober people understand you
you are on the wrong path
:- Doug.
If sober people understand you
you are on the wrong path
:- Doug.
“Other, other, other”
empty of ego, ego, ego
prepare to be assimilated, poet, prophet
:- Doug.
Life is good
The living of life
Itself the blessing
:- Doug.
It’s about wholeness completeness roundness fullness overflowing—our lives can indeed flow beyond our lives—in all directions, all times, beyond times….
:- Doug.
This, this is the world
Where those who are fractions Im-
agine themselves whole
:- Doug.
An elder can be a guardian
of our living ancestors
of our living children’s children’s children’s
of tenderness, gentle gratitude
of living
:- Doug.
The picture—so young then
Life we say—as if a noun
really process—even more moving—flow
:- Doug.
Life hints
at the reality
just outside our window
why should my poem
go beyond?
:- Doug.
It’s none of my business
but maybe it is
you being human and all
:- Doug.
Humans are the only
animal that thinks we
are immortal—or ought to be
:- Doug.
How can grasping
ever open a world
when it closes our eyes?
:- Doug.
Is relationship based on debt?
Or something infinite?
:- Doug.
Love dangles.
:- Doug.
Life is an uncertain period.
:- Doug.
We live in symbols
in imagination
able to fly to stars and atoms
to live inside another’s griefs and pain
unbound by time, our own symbol
:- Doug.
Anything can be a symbol.
:- Doug.
Expand. Extend.
:- Doug.
See, touch, go.
:- Doug.
What I like about that piece is it is concrete and also evocative of something expanding. Expanding beyond my ken and still within my embrace.
:- Doug.
Eldering is not about stuffing more things into the sausage: it is about seeing ourselves and the grinder and the whole sausage coiling and the entire process from oink to oink, from generation to generation, from stardust to stardust.
:- Doug.
Do you really believe only one can win?
competition-think is failing
to imagine the wideness of winning
:- Doug.
I’m a dittyer.
:- Doug.
All fear is of death
at heart, we want to matter
life means…death matters
:- Doug.