Map or calculate?
Map might be the concept close to truth for elders’ preferred way of seeing the world, as opposed to say calculate or analyze.
:- Doug.
Map might be the concept close to truth for elders’ preferred way of seeing the world, as opposed to say calculate or analyze.
:- Doug.
In my late teen years, Spirit was strong for me. Still is, but not the religious part. The spirit is strong, and the questions revolve around things less important, such as the shape of divinity, the personage of divinity.
:- Doug.
I am making of my life a whole
making of my world a whole
:- Doug.
I have my own faith, my own unresolved questions. No longer either of my parents’ (I’m not sure I ever knew theirs), nor either of my children’s. This is a sign of having passed my own threshold. My speaking of it a sign of having returned to community to share the boon.
:- Doug.
See the world whole.
:- Doug.