Don’t eat the watermelon whole
Don’t eat the watermelon whole. Take a wedge, spit some seeds, leave the rind for compost, come back later for more conversing with your watermelon.
:- Doug.
Don’t eat the watermelon whole. Take a wedge, spit some seeds, leave the rind for compost, come back later for more conversing with your watermelon.
:- Doug.
Eldering is a special role and developmental stage available typically after some years. It is a threshold some cross.
:- Doug.
We may not be different from prior generations: we often forget the lessons they have learned and maybe passed on to us.
:- Doug.
Conversation is another way of expressing the interdependence of all, the mutual co-arising, interbeing, feedback, open systems, marriage, parent and child, family, the generations, life.
:- Doug.
Is it essential elders agree about the centrality of conversation? Of flow?
:- Doug.
For the last couple of weeks I have been trying to get my latest computer install to behave as I wish. It is fruitful to see a “problem” as smaller than I’d seen it before. It allows me to move beyond, to put some issues on the shelf for later. Or never. Relief. Move on. Progress.
:- Doug.
Elders of all people can see the interconnections among us, the flow in which we have our being.
:- Doug.
Life advances etherealizing.
:- Doug.
If community means something I must be the first to reach out and help you.
:- Doug.
Here is holy in our life: Spiral, flow, move, breathe, bump, death, fertility, evaporation, story, etherealization.
:- Doug.